It may be hard to believe that Andrew Zhong is just 11 years old. His movie reviews are insightful and entertaining. Recently, he was kind enough to share a little bit more about himself. Turns out he loves reading as much as he loves movies.
What was the first movie you ever saw? How old were you?
I saw the movie UP when I was 3 years old.
What is your favorite movie of all time?
I love all of them!
Do you have a favorite theater in the area? What size popcorn do you get?
AMC no doubt. That place has everything, it’s also in a very convenient spot from where we live, I pretty much always get a med or large, because I usually share it with a parent or a friend.
Where do you go to school?
West Woods Upper Elementary. I will be in 6th grade, my last year until I get homework on weekends, yippee!
What is your favorite subject in school?
Uuuhhhh, reading, math, social studies, and Science are my favorites, but I guess that’s too much? Maybe Social Studies and Reading. Hey, don’t force me to pick UNO!
What other activities do you enjoy? Sports? Games? Books?
I love Basketball and Badminton (in no particular order). I also like a lot of video games, I have a phone, an Xbox, a computer, and an iPad(when I was younger, we had the tablet things where you insert those little chips for those kiddy games), so uh, yeah, I’m a lot into that stuff. I also like reading, no, I’m practically addicted to reading, I really do love reading, it’s not really work to me! I like so many other things, but, the lists so big, this page, would almost literately fall off.
What would you like to be when you grow up?
Well, I would like to be someone who has a position that could affect a large area or population. I really want to contribute to society, and I also want to be in entertainment! I would like to be a YouTuber when I grow up. #1 goal in life revealed!!! Well, hope to see you in the next movie review! See ya latte! (see that pun? Well, actually a good time to drink coffee when you’re writing a really long thing…)
By Ellin Smith
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