Family Member Names: The Kost Family
Pet Sitter’s Name: Bethany Pilon
Pet’s Name: Henri and Luke
Type of Animal/Breed: Henri is an American Eskimo Shih Tzu and Luke is a Yorkipoo
Type of Animal/Breed: Henri is an American Eskimo Shih Tzu and Luke is a Yorkipoo
Male or Female: Both male
Pet’s Age: Henri is Nine and Luke is Five
Where/why did you get your pet?
I live on the same street as the Kosts and was able to meet Henri when they took him for a walk on one of the very first days they got him. I began dog sitting both him and Luke three years ago through my Devonwood pet sitting business which I have had for five years.
Is there a story behind its name?
Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?
At my house, I have a rabbit who is free to run around the living room. When dogs are over, we typically move her into a separate room, as they usually frighten her. One day, though, she sneaked back in and sat down right next to Henri. Both Luke and Henri were so friendly and gentle with her and they now are always together! She is never this comfortable around other dogs, which made her behavior very surprising.
What do you like best about your pet?
What I like best about both Henri and Luke is their huge amounts of lovable energy. Each time I go over to pick them up they bounce up and down with excitement. They never fail to bring a smile to anyone’s face!
Any funny stories?
During a snowstorm a few years back, it took a while for the streets to be plowed. To get to the Kost’s house in order to pick up the dogs that morning, we shoveled a very long snow tunnel connecting our two houses. The two dogs played in the tunnel all day, running back and forth between the houses, as it was the only cleared area on the street! After a while, Luke decided to jump over the side of the tunnel. The snow had just fallen, though, and was so light that he sunk right in! We couldn’t see him, but could see Luke-shaped hole in the snow and little indents where he was running around underneath the snow!
How spoiled is your pet?
These two little guys always get plenty of treats and walks when they come over and each time I pick them up they are wearing new doggie bandanas from the groomers! Luke is small enough to be allowed on a plane, so sometimes he is lucky enough to tag along on his owner’s trips to Florida!