Pet’s Name: Riley
Type of Animal/Breed: Golden Doodle
Male or Female: Male
Pet’s Age: Eight months
Where/why did you get your pet?
MdDoodles Golden Doodles in Tampa, Florida
Is there a story behind its name?
He lives the life of Riley.
Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?
He loves to flop on beds of flowers and rolls over. He spends his days finding a comfortable spot on the couch, sticking his head between pillows and rolling over to get his belly rubbed. He is not a working dog.
What do you like best about your pet?
He is so sweet and loving, always rubbing up against my legs and he is so playful and friendly with other dogs.
Any funny stories?
Riley is too friendly and does not realize that the very smart cat from next door wants nothing to do with him. It is kind of amusing to watch her hiss and him cluelessly wave his tail.
How spoiled is your pet?
Riley gets lots of belly rubs and five walks a day to keep fit.
What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family?
My daughter left for college this year, so he is the enticement for her to come home from NY more often and my son is so attentive to the dog. He plays with him and walks him every day, which is so much better than staring at X Box.